I'm Lizzy!

Glad to have you here!

It brings me joy to enlighten, inspire and encourage the modern woman to "live her best life". While I enjoy sharing about family life as a wife and mom with physical disability, you can also find me posting about fashion, beauty, fitness, my favorite recipes (because... who doesn't love food), and so much more. It's my pleasure to notify you that this blog is a personal blog written and edited by me!

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Tips to keep yourself extra safe as a disabled woman

Hello world. 

On today's post I'll be sharing a few tips for you to keep yourself [somewhat] safe as a disabled woman in America. 

Prevention is always key and in this ever changing world, one can never be too careful. Having a disability puts you at a greater risk for attacks and while these tips won't guarantee full safety, I believe they can help. 

I know that these are tips that can help EVERYONE but I need this to reach the disabled audience - especially women, hence the title.

Here are some tips to keep yourself extra safe as a disabled woman in America:

  • Consider carrying a personal safety device, such as a whistle or pepper spray, and know how to use it. Whenever you feel as if somebody is following you, or you just feel unsafe, USE IT. Apologies can come later if you're wrong. Your safety is FIRST.
  • Be cautious when using public transportation, and try to travel with a friend or family member whenever possible. Be cautious in general when you're outside alone. 
  • Piggybacking off the last point, make sure to keep your phone fully charged and easily accessible, and consider downloading a safety app that can alert your emergency contacts if you're in danger. Set up a favorite list on your phone. Activate voice command so that you can "talk" to your phone in case your hands are occupied or you're unable to use them.
  • Avoid rolling or going anywhere alone at night, and stick to well-lit areas with plenty of foot traffic.
  • Trust your instincts and don't be afraid to say no to people or situations that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. Is someone forcing themselves to "push you to your car" from a store? Feel free to say NO. 
  • Keep personal belongings safe in public areas and be alert. If you hang your backpack behind your wheelchair, ensure it has a safe lock or you bring it to your eye view when you're stagnant. You don't want a situation where someone steals your belonging behind you, or worse, put something in your bag or on your wheelchair while you were not looking.
  • Stay informed about crime trends and safety issues in your area, and take steps to protect yourself accordingly. Download google alerts and set up keywords. 
  • And finally, remember that your safety is always a top priority, and don't hesitate to reach out to friends, family, or local resources for support if you need it.

I pray God keeps us all safe above all. 

Feel free to share below any other tips you might have.

Thanks for reading, Till Later, God Bless.


  1. Hey lizzy its Zulekha one of your followers from YouTube . I enjoyed the tips I use these tips as well thanks for reminder 😊


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